David Mubayiwa aka Sabhuku Vharazipi

David Mubaiwa aka Sabhuku Vharazipi

 Born on  02-10-1973, the main character in Sabhuku Vharazipi is originally from Nerupiri area in Gutu district. He is married to Matimbire Servy  and has three sons, the eldest being Patrick, then Tapiwa and Tatenda. 
David completed his Ordinary Level at Masvingo Christian Secondary in 1991 and was among the founding members of Ziya in 1992. Initially, he had problems with his parents who wanted him to look for employment and leave theatre.

 He had to briefly stay with his artistic director, David Dzatsunga before setting out on his own. David featured in the making of all the productions by the then Ziya and played roles in such productions  as Voice!!!, The Idlers’ Corner, Mudzimu Dzoka, Machetes, Guns and Talks, Six Good Months, Bandit and a few story-telling plays. 
David gained most of his experience as a stage performer in mostly theatre for development initiatives and public performances in schools, colleges, churches and community centers. 

David made his major breakthrough with the leading role he performed in the hugely popular Sabhuku Vharazipi DVD. In this screen-play he mesmerized viewers with his hilarious portrayal of Sabhuku Vharazipi, a corrupt and amorous headman. 

Suffice to say, this catapulted him into celebrity status to the extent that he draws crowds even when he is not acting. Reggae music , drumming, singing and fathering are David’s passions. He has just starred in the sequel to Sabhuku Vharazipi in which he co-wrote and assisted directing.


  1. You Getting There Bru..always Represent Masvingo to deh World

  2. i wish the lord to bless David "sabhuku VZ ZZ" Mubaiwa. This man really knows what he do. Thank yu for exposing corrupt headmans which charecterises our vast communities in Zimbabwe. Renyu talent haritsvagwe sabhuku riripo...Matityora mbabvu "wainziiii aaniko uyu,,eeeee UDHOGO eeee udhogo wakada kuzviita..."'' aiwa haaa thumps up sabhuku...

  3. good work man. keep on keeping on
